Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Laugh & Learn

Yesterday I was invited to join the TVO parenting show, "Your Voice", hosted by Cheryl Jackson.

Our topic was "Learning Through Humour" and along with myself, Cheryl had invited in-studio Steve Brinder (substitute teacher AND stand up comedian), Mary Kay Morrison (author, "Using Humor to Maximize Learning"), who came to us via webcam in the U.S.

I was fascinated by the research and findings Mary Kay presented, including the fact that parts of our brains actually do "light up" more when we find something humorous, thus increasing the ability to learn and engage, clearly a key requirement when teaching children. We discussed the appropriate use of humour in the classroom, and shared some personal stories as well.

The show will be aired on TVO on Sunday, March 15th at 6:00 p.m., and will be available on their website from March 13th onwards.

Mary Kay and I connected via email after the show, and she invited me to attend a Humor Conference in Las Vegas. I wish! She also introduced me to an organization called AATH - the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. Check it out here

Now, my kids DO NOT find me funny at all (and I'm sure they're not the only ones), but I do try. I often sit down to dinner with our family and lead things off with "Who's got a good joke?"

It helps to cover up the fact that they think my cooking is a joke.

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